
Pip weaves long lasting sonic landscapes. Justly intonated harmonies, airy noises and slow melodies construct an organic music where the listener can both surrender to the music and actively explore the multilayered sonic facets. The duo has existed since 2006 and since then they have developed a characteristic sound in a music encompassing improvisation and collective composition. Their 2019 release ‘Possible Worlds’ is a one hour long piece utilizing an extended instrumentarium of justly tuned guitars, trumpet and synthesizers, and it documents their pinnacle work as a duo so far.

«Despite all the experimental spirit, the whole thing is extremely organic and even flattering. How it works and the wonderful soundscapes and melodies, which are always in pure harmony. Noise disintegrates, but only to lead back to seemingly even more beautiful euphony. (…) Clear recommendation.»
19/20 (Wolfgang Kabsch – www.musikansich.de)
«Within the folds of their playing arises a folky timbre that glistens in the sun even when its tamped way down. Embracing amber coloring along the way the strumming has a wholistic quality, and in this light it is such an earnest piece with a dusty finish.» (www.toneshift.net)
«Jeg liker meg i Pips musikk. Den er virkelig god å la seg omslutte av. I det feltet de to opererer, truer klisjeene overalt. At Pip klarer å styre unna dem, er en bragd. Larsen og Rasten har holdt sammen siden 2006. Kanskje det er modenhet som har inntatt dem.» (Arild R. Andersen, Jazznytt)
«…the simple quality of the compositions/improvisations and the control in the delivery are absolutely excellent. It’s amazing what you can do with two acoustic instruments. That by itself is part of the listening experience» (www.freejazzblog.org)
«This fascinating duo collaboration between trumpeter Torstein Lavik Larsen and acoustic guitarist Fredrik Rasten spends the entire album casting a hypnotic spell then immediately shattering it back to reality (…) the duo chooses to engage, not enchant, and the music is far more compelling because of that decision.» (www.birdistheworm.com)
INTERVIEW about «Possible Worlds» from Chain D.LK.